Resize and crop images for use on this site

Quick guide to resizing and cropping using Windows' built-in tools

Images are often provided to page authors/editors at sizes, or with proportions that make them unsuitable for use without some work.

Typically, professionally-taken photographs, or even snaps taken on a recent phone, will be far too big. Not only is it possible that your upload will be forbidden because the file is bigger than the system allows, but even if the image can be uploaded, there is no value in attaching a picture that is 4000px x 3000px to a page where it will be displayed at a tenth of that size. At the very least, the page will load more slowly than it could.

Fortunately, it is easy to resize an image to optimise it for use on the site.

Find the image file on your computer, or save it there if it's attached to an email or in a document, then double-click to open it in the default Windows Photos app.

To resize...

Click the … to open the 'more items' list.

sample image open in default app

Choose the Resize image option

resize popup

Set a suitable size for the image. You may find it useful to check the recommended sizes in the table shown in the pop-up below.

choose a size

For a picture to be used in the main text section of a page like all of those you see here, the height is not important, as the space will flex to accommodate the image. In some other contexts - for example photos that are to be used on a profile page, or listing images that are displayed on the grid of news items or on a section index page - the shape is important, and if the width:height proportions aren't correct the system will automatically crop a section from the centre of the image, which can have undesirable results.

Recommended picture sizes (and unwanted cropping)

To crop...

First, resize the image as describe above, to get it to the width you need, then...

Use the Edit button to show the crop tool:

location of the edit tool

Use the drag handles on the crop tool to select part to fit the size an shape you need:

setting a crop size

Note that it isn't always possible to get a perfect crop, but it will often be possible to improve on what is offered automatically.

Sometime you might need to make an image extra wide. For example to avoid the situation with the logo in the example above. The default Windows tool doesn't offer the ability to make the 'canvas' bigger. One workaround is to insert the image into a Word document then use Windows' built-in Snipping tool (or similar) to capture and save the image with extra white space at the sides or top and bottom.

Here's a screenshot of the same page as shown above with the original listing images resized and cropped:

fixed listing images

Portrait image showing as landscape when uploaded?

rotated image - should be portrait

or vice versa.

On this page