Transitional Justice Options for the Burmese Government-in-Exile
In conjunction with Oxford Pro Bono Publico, OTJR has produced a report section on behalf of the Burmese government-in-exile on potential transitional justice options in Burma. The section is designed to inform key Burmese actors on issues concerning responses to atrocity and repressive rule in Burma, exploring the specific Burmese political context and drawing on lessons from other transitional societies, including South Africa, Uganda, Argentina, Chile, Indonesia and the former Yugoslavia.
The team responsible for the OTJR analysis was overseen by Nicola Palmer and comprised the following people: Lydiah Bosire, Gustavo de Carvalho, Par Engstrom, Rosara Joseph, Yvonne Malan and Chelsea Payne.
For more information on the project and for links to th Executive Summary and the Full Report, go to: