Popular Perceptions on Reparations in Northern Uganda
Following on from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' (OHCHR) ground-breaking 2007 qualitative report, "Making Peace Our Own: Victims' Perceptions of Accountability, Reconciliation and Transitional Justice in Northern Uganda," OTJR (on behalf of OHCHR) re-analysed the field material from the report on the specific theme of popular perceptions of reparations. The analysis will contribute to an OHCHR public report on reparations in Northern Uganda, designed to inform current debates about accountability and reconciliation in the context of the Ugandan peace talks and to ensure that victims' views are fully incorporated into these national discussions.
The following people were responsible for this analysis: Daniel Armanios, Lydiah Bosire, Stephanie Brockerhoff, Gustavo de Carvalho, Phil Clark, Danielle Connolly, Teddy Harrison, Paul Honey, Briony Jones, Paul Kadetz, Emma Leonard, Chris Mahony, Nicola Palmer, Chelsea Payne, Hannah Tonkin, Julie Veroff and Clara Weinhardt.