Afghanistan 2016 - 2017
The fifth Afghanistan Media Law Moot Court Competition also called the Afghanistan National Rounds was held on September 2016 in Persian language. The oral rounds of the competition took place from 24 – 27 September where all teams gathered to the capital city Kabul. Oral rounds involved 6 universities including Alberoni, Parwan, Takhar, Kunduz, Jawzjan and Kandahar, representing wide geographical diversity across Afghanistan. The program started from May to September 2016 with participation of a total 24 law and Sharia students as competitors, 6 Professors as coaches of the teams in this competition with the academic and technical support of Internews, Media Law & Policy department.
The organisation national rounds has been led by Monir Ahmadi. Subsequent rounds will be conducted in English, but the Afghan National Rounds have been conducted in Persian, reflecting the adaptability and flexibility of the Price Moot Court and a desire to be as relevant to the Afghan Legal System as possible.
During the program an orientation session was held for the judges of Media Law Moot Court, which was a group of expert and qualified lawyers from different backgrounds including professors, defense lawyers, judges and moot court alumni.
This program is indeed is a big support for creation of a cadre of lawyers with greater interest in critical legal issues of the Afghan media, telecommunications and the Internet and helping policy-makers and judges understand how better to improve in these areas. This program was supported by Internews under Afghanistan Civic Engagement Program (ACEP).
Final Results
The fifth Afghanistan Media Law Moot Court Competition also called the Afghanistan National Rounds took place from 24 – 27 September 2016 where all teams gathered to the capital city Kabul.
Here are the final results:
Winner of Afghanistan National Rounds 2016 is Jawzjan University
Runner Up of Afghanistan National Rounds 2016 is Kandahar University
Best Memorial for Afghanistan National Rounds 2016 goes to Kandahar University
Best Speakers for Afghanistan National Rounds 2016 goes to Setara Sakhizada and Shabana Faizi
Best Speaker in Finals for Afghanistan National Rounds 2016 goes to Mosa Salaman
OTHER PARTICIPATING TEAMS (in alphabetical order)
- Alberoni University
- Kunduz University
- Parwan University
- Takhar University