Nilai-Nilai Budaya dan Keadilan bagi Perempuan di Pengadilan Agama Indonesia: Praktik Terbaik

Edited volume by Livia Holden and Euis Nurlaelawati

This collection of essays published by UIN Sunan Kalijaga Press in April 2019 shows that at the Islamic courts in Indonesia certain judges skilfully use their cultural expertise to reformulate cultural principles within the global framework of international women’s rights. All the cases of this compendium pertain to family law but display a great variety of competencies ranging from cultural principles to international women’s rights and including a remarkable flexibility of interpretation of Islamic law in matters of Javanese joint property, Minangkabau matrilinear kinship, underage marriages, marriage by abduction, divorce and revocation of divorce, poligamy, mediation, customary dower and mahr.

Contributors to this volume are: NurLailah Ahmad, S.H, Ummu Hafizhah, SHI, SE, MA, Latifah Setyawati, SH, M.Hum, Muhammad Isna Wahyudi, SHI, MSI, Dr. M.Fauzan, M.A, Dr. Zaenal Fanani, SHI, MSI, M.Nur,S.Ag, Dr. Muhammad Najmi Fajri, SHI, MHI, Prof. Dr. Euis Nurlaelawati, M.A, Dr. Waryono, M.Ag, Dr. Mochammad Sodik, S.Sos, M.Si, Dr.Witriani, M.Hum, Dr. Inayah Rohmaniyah, S.Ag, M. Hum, M.A, Alimatul Qibtiyah, S.Ag. M.Si, M.A, Ph.D, Zusiana Elly Triantini, SHI, M.SI.
Preface by Dr. Drs. Aco Nur, S.H., M.H, Sambutan Direktur Jenderal Badan Peradilan Agama, Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia
Introduction by Prof. Dr. Livia Holden and Prof. Dr. Euis Nurlaelawati
English edition forthcoming. 


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