The tax law and policy discussion group provides an informal forum for the discussion of tax law, tax policy and tax theory at Oxford. We meet (face to face or online) a couple of times each term to discuss tax related papers from multiple perspectives, including doctrinal, economic, social, comparative and historical.

The group welcomes inbound enquiries from visiting academics, Faculty members and graduate students to present their work - at various stages - to fellow students and academics. While we cannot commit to accepting all applications to speak, we would love to hear from research students or early-career academics, particularly from under represented backgrounds, in addition to more experienced speakers.


If you would like to join our mailing list, please follow the following steps:

  • Send an email to 
  • Subject Line: subscribe oxfordtaxevents [first name] [last name]. For example, subscribe oxfordtaxevents John Doe 
  • Please leave the body blank, and make sure to delete any text/ footers/ signatures from the body
  • You will receive a response from Sympa with an authorization code. From the same id, again email with subject line auth [authorization code] subscribe oxfordtaxevents [first name] [last name]. For eg. auth 31d4a2b6 subscribe oxfordtaxevents John Doe. You will then be subscribed.  

Subscribers receive advance copies of the papers under discussion, but we otherwise keep emails to a minimum. We will of course continue to share updates here, and on X. Every email will also contain unsubscribe instructions if you would subsequently like to leave the group. Hope to see you at one of our sessions soon! 

If you would like to present your work, or have any other questions, please contact the discussion group convenors

Graduate Convenor: Shreya Rao

Senior Member: Tsilly Dagan

For information about the Faculty of Law's Privacy Policy and how we use your personal date please visit the Privacy Policy Page

June 1, 2023: Tax and Globalization: Towards a New Social Contract