Image Credit: United Nations Photo via Flickr Creative Commons
Welcome to the Public International Law Discussion Group
The PIL Discussion Group at the University of Oxford is a key focal point for PIL@Oxford and hosts regular speaker events. Topics involve contemporary and challenging issues in international law. Speakers include distinguished international law practitioners, academics, and legal advisers from around the world.
The Discussion Group's seminars are part of the programme of the British Branch of the International Law Association and they are supported by the Law Faculty and Oxford University Press.
Practitioners, academics and students from within and outside the University of Oxford are all welcome at PIL Discussion Group seminars.
Format of Discussion Group Seminars
We host a PIL Discussion Group seminar every other Thursday during Oxford's term time (usually in weeks 1, 3, 5 and 7). Currently, seminars take place in hybrid format - with both in-person and online joining options. Please subscribe to our mailing list (details below) to hear about and register for PIL Discussion Group events.
Invited speakers usually commence their presentation at 12:45 (UK time) and speak for around thirty to forty minutes. This allows around twenty-five minutes for questions and discussion with the audience. The seminars conclude by 14:00 (UK time).
Subscribe to the PIL Discussion Group Mailing List
To hear about all PIL Discussion Group events (as well as related notices), please subscribe to the PIL Discussion Group mailing list. To do this, please send a blank email to: You will then be sent a confirmation request; please reply to that email to confirm your subscription.
To leave the PIL Discussion Group mailing list, send a message to: You will be sent a confirmation request and your email address will be removed from the mailing list once you reply. You must send the email from the same email address you used to join the mailing list.

Listen to PIL Discussion Group Podcasts
Recordings of past PIL Discussion Group seminars can be found on our podcast pages:
- PIL Discussion Group Podcasts Part III.
- See also older podcasts: Parts I & II and Archival Listing.
Further information
If you would like more information about the PIL Discussion Group, please contact the Discussion Group Convenor in the first instance:
PIL Discussion Group Convenor: Hosung Ahn.
Senior Faculty Member: Professor Dapo Akande.
If you are a research student at the University of Oxford, whose research touches on a topic relating to public international law, you might also find the PIL Research Seminars of interest.