a workstream within the Human Rights for Future Generations Programme
In the Poverty & Justice workstream, we examine whether a human rights paradigm offers a meaningful foundation for addressing issues linked to poverty, in particular for the relationship between current and future generations. Our approach is interdisciplinary, and we aim to develop a human rights framework which draws on ethics, law, politics and international relations. We consider what exactly the term ‘poverty’ means, and we evaluate from a philosophical perspective what kind of moral claims those facing poverty can be argued to have. We also study the agents with moral and legal duties towards persons facing poverty, and how duties in the context of poverty should be institutionalised. Should the states be considered as the primary duty-bearers? What role should intergovernmental organisations, non-governmental organisations, and multinational corporations have in the protection of persons from poverty? We also evaluate the link between legal and philosophical human rights analysis. If it is concluded that the moral claims of those facing poverty extend beyond the existing legal human rights framework, what – if anything – should be done about this incongruence?