Inspiring Women: Challenging the diversity deficit - further information for study participants

1. Why is this research being conducted?

This project aims to create an oral history of inspiring women lawyers which will be lodged in the Sound Archive of the British Library as a national resource. It aims to raise the profile of women whose contribution has been marginalised in public debate. The research will be conducted in four stages: an online survey of lawyers; the development of a database of nominees; in-depth life story interviews (lasting up to twelve hours) with up to 50 women nominated; and the creation of a project website. The interview recordings will serve to give inspiring women the recognition they deserve in the public sphere and inspire future generations of women lawyers. 

2. Do I have to take part?

There is no obligation to take part in the survey and you may withdraw at any point by closing the browser. Please note that if you do withdraw part way through the survey the answers you have already completed will be submitted to us. If you want to withdraw this data after it has been submitted, please contact us and we will delete it. The survey does not require you to answer any question. If you prefer not to give an answer please just move on to the next question.

3. How will my data be used?

The survey does not require you to give your name or any personal information about yourself. Your data will be stored in a password-protected file and may be used in academic publications. Your IP address will not be stored and cross-referencing of data sources will not be undertaken. Research data will be securely stored at the University of Oxford for a minimum of three years after publication or public release.

4. Who will have access to my data?

The University of Oxford is the data controller with respect to your personal data, and as such will determine how your personal data is used in the study. The University will process your personal data for the purpose of the research outlined above. Research is a task that we perform in the public interest. Further information about your rights with respect to your personal data is available from

Responsible members of the University of Oxford and funders may be given access to data for monitoring and/or audit of the study to ensure we are complying with guidelines, or as otherwise required by law.

The Principal Investigator of this project is Professor Linda Mulcahy, who is the Director of the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies (CSLS). The co-researcher is Dr Dvora Liberman, CSLS Research Fellow.

5. Who do I contact if I have any questions or concerns?

If you have a question or concern about any aspect of this study, please contact Dr Dvora Liberman,, and we will do our best to answer your query within 10 working days. If you remain unhappy or wish to make a formal complaint, please contact the Chair of the Social Sciences & Humanities Inter-Divisional Research Ethics Committee at the University of Oxford who will seek to resolve the matter as soon as possible. Email:; Address: Research Services, University of Oxford, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD.

To begin the survey click here.