Completed DPhils in Public International Law

Trials and Penal Sanctions by Non-State Armed Groups
Hannes Jöbstl, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted in 2023

General Defences in International Adjudication
Anna Ventouratou, supervised by Professor Miles Jackson
Submitted in 2023

The Principle of Sovereignty and State Cyber Operations
Jack Kenny, supervised by Professor Catherine Redgwell and Dr Efthymios Papastavridis
Submitted in 2022

Boundaries, Adrift: Entitlements And Delimitation In Shifting Seas
Vanshaj Ravi Jain, supervised by Professor Efthymios Papastavridis
Submitted in 2022

Party Status To Armed Conflict In International Law
Alexander Hermann Wentker, supervised by Professor Miles Jackson
Submitted in 2022

The impact of the coexistence of multiple norms from different sources of international law on change to the jus ad bellum
Katie Angela Johnston , supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted in 2022

E-Commerce Regulation and Trader Compliance: A Comparative and Empirical Inquiry
Felix Pflucke, supervised by Professor Stephen Weatherill
Submitted in 2022

The Interrelation of EU Law with Inter Se International Agreements of the EU Member States
Konstantina Georgaki, supervised by Professor Pavlos Eleftheriadis
Submitted in 2022

Protecting the Right to Leave in an Era of Externalised Migration Control
Emilie Vivi McDonnell, supervised by Professor Miles Jackson
Submitted in 2021

Jurisdictional Countermeasures: The Use of Jurisdiction and Immunity for the Implementation of International Responsibility
Daniel Franchini, supervised by Professor Antonios Tzanakopoulos
Submitted in 2021

The Right of Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors
Kamille Adair Morgan, supervised by Professor Sir Frank Berman
Submitted in 2021

Retroactive Recharacterisation of Crimes and Principles of Legality and Fair Labelling in International Criminal Law
Talita de Souza Dias, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted in 2020

Duality of Responsibility in International Law
Sotirios-Ioannis Lekkas, supervised by Professor Antonios Tzanakopoulos
Submitted in 2020

Overlapping Individual and Interstate Claims in International Law
Jessica Howley, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted in 2019

The Unlawful Refusal of Emergency Humanitarian Aid
Camilla Barker, supervised by Professor Catherine Redgwell
Submitted in 2019

The Principle of Legality in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Assessing some retroactivity issues raised by Security Council referrals and ad hoc declarations

Talita De Souza Dias, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted 2019
Multiplicity and Diversity of Actors in the Law of International Responsibility
Sotirios-Ioannis ​Lekkas,  supervised by Professor Antonios Tzanakopoulos
Submitted 2019

Intervention by Invitation and the Alleged Prohibition of Military Assistance to Government in Civil Wars
Zachary John Vermeer, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted in 2018

The 'Right to Regulate' in the Public Interest and the 'Police Power' in International Investment Law
Kate Mitchell, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted in 2017

Non-discrimination in International Economic Law
Michailis Risvas, supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted 2017

The Regional law of Refugee Protection in Africa
Marina Sharpe, supervised by Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill
Submitted in 2017

State Responsibility for Omissions: Establishing a Breach of the Full Protection and Security Obligation by Omissions
Lucas Bastin, supervised by Professor Sir Frank Berman
Submitted in 2016

Towards Unity? The Concepts of Necessity and Proportionality in Exception Clauses Across International Law
Thomas R Lieflaender, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted in 2016

Necessity in International Law
Ryan Manton, supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted 2016

Actio popularis before International Courts and Tribunals
Farid Ahmadov, supervised by Professor Catherine Redgwell and Professor Vaughan Lowe
Submitted in 2016

Reparation for Violations of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: The Responsibility of International Organizations
Carla Forstmann supervised by Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill
Submitted 2016

Rethinking Torture in International Law
Natasha Jane Simonsen, supervised by Professor Liora Lazarus
Submitted in 2016

An Appeal to Principle: A Study of Recourse from Migration Status Decision-Making in the United Kingdom
Rowena Moffatt, supervised by Professor Cathryn Costello
Submitted in 2016

The Right to Life in Armed Conflict
Ian David Park, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted in 2016

The Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts Committed Within the Framework of International Organizations
Anna Julia Begemann, supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted in 2016

Internationalised Armed Conflicts in International Law
Kubo Macak, supervised by Professor Stefan Talmon
Submitted in 2015

State Responsibility for Transnational Human Rights Violations
Natasha Balendra, supervised by Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill
Submitted 2015

Challenges in the Relationship between the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons and International Refugee Law
Brid Ni Ghrainne, supervised by Professor Goodwin-Gill
Submitted 2015

Complicity in International Law
Miles Jackson, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted in 2014

Responsibilities for the Global Health Crisis
Thana de Campos, supervised by Professor Pavlov Eleftheriadis
Submitted in 2014

Domestic Law in International Investment Arbitration
Jarrod Hepburn, supervised by Professor Paul Craig
Submitted 2014

We the Burden: Equal Citizenship and Its Limit in EU Law
Paivi Neuvonen, supervised by Dr Katja Ziegler
Submitted 2014

The International Criminal Court and the End of Impunity in Kenya
Lionel Nichols, supervised by Professor Fernanda Pirie
Submitted in 2014

International Law and the Procedural Regulation of Internment in Non-International Armed Conflict
Lawrence Antony Hill-Cawthorne, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted in 2014

Challenges in the Relationship between the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons and International Refugee Law
Bríd Ní Ghráinne, supervised by Professor Guy S Goodwin-Gill
Submitted in 2014

The Affirmative Protection of Cultural Property During Armed Conflict
Anne-Marie Carstens, supervised by Professor Sir Frank Berman 
Submitted in 2013

International Refugee Law and National Security
Alicia Triche, supervised by Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill
Submitted 2013

Conflicts with Jus Cogens in International Law
Asif Hameed, supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted 2013

The Human Rights Based Approach to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Legal Framework for Addressing Human Rights Questions in Mitigation Projects
Damilola Olawuyi, supervised by Dr Andrew Shacknove
Submitted 2013

State Obligations beyond Borders relating to Economic, Social and Cultural rights, Legal Basis, Extent and Implications for Development Cooperation
Ashfaq Khalfan, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande and Professor Vaughan Lowe
Submitted 2013

Voting Rights of Recognised Geneva Convention Refugees in Their Countries of Asylum
Ruvi Ziegler, supervised by Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill
Submitted 2013

Sustainable Development in International Trade Law : Integrating Economic and Social Development and Environmental Protection in Emerging Trade Regimes
Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, supervised by Professor Vaughan Lowe
Submitted in 2013

The Value of Procedure: Formalist and Substantive Approaches to Procedural Fairness in Security Council Sanctions Decision-Making
Devika Hovell, supervised by Professor Liz Fisher and Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted in 2012

Domestic Courts and International Law : Between Internationalist Expectations and Judicial Self-Perception
Veronica Fikfak, supervised by Professor Vaughan Lowe
Submitted in 2012

Obligations Erga Omnes as Multilateral Obligations in International Law
Ernesto Feliz, supervised by Professor Vaughan Lowe
Submitted 2012

The Development of WTO Law in Light of Transnational Influences: The Merits of a Causal Approach
Gregory Messenger, supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted in 2012

Equality Rights, Social Spending and Human Development
Gillian MacNaughton, supervised by Dr Andrew Shacknove
Submitted 2012

Theorising the Doctrine of Joint Criminal Enterprise in International Criminal Law
Neha Jain, supervised by Professor Andrew Ashworth
Submitted in 2012

Rule of Law in War: International Law and United States Counterinsurgency Doctrine in the Era of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, 2001-2009
Travers McLeod, supervised by Professor Yuen Foong Khong and Professor Dapo Akande (awarded by the Department of Politics and International Relations)
Submitted in 2012

A Contemporary Concept of Monetary Sovereignty
Claus Zimmermann, supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi and Professor Jean-Marc Sorel
Submitted in 2011

Corporate Obligations Under International Law
Markos Karavias, supervised by Professor Stefan Talmon
Submitted 2011

International Law, Colonialism and the Concept of Indigenous Peoples in Africa
Kealeboga Nkebo Bojosi, supervised by Dr Andrew Shacknove
Submitted in 2011

Product Standards in International Trade: Assessing the Scope of Domestic Regulator Autonomy in the GATT/WTO System
Ming Du, supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted in 2011

Neutrality in Contemporary International Law
James Upcher, supervised by Dr Stefan Talmon
Submitted in 2011

The Spectre of Lord Atkin in the Aftermath of 9/11: The Rule of Law and Terror Detentions in the United States & the United Kingdom
Robert Wagstaff, supervised by Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill
Submitted in 2010

Judicial Consciousness, Judicial Function and the International Court of Justice
Gleider Hernández, supervised by Professor Sir Frank Berman
Submitted in 2010

Admissibility in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Issues of Interpretation and Application
Emma Collins, supervised by Professor Goodwin-Gill
Submitted in 2010

States' International Obligations to Control Private Military & Security Companies in Armed Conflict
Hannah Tonkin, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande and Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill
Submitted in 2010

Deference in International Human Rights Law
Andrew Legg, supervised by Professor John Finnis and Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted in 2010

Regulatory Regionalism and Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Mehmet Karli, supervised by Dr Stefan Talmon
Submitted in 2010

Trade Liberalization vs. Domestic Regulation of Services: The Future of Maritime Transport
Ese Stephen Owie, supervised by Professor Vaughan Lowe
Submitted in 2010

International Minimum Standard and Fair and Equitable Treatment
Martins Paparinskis, supervised by Professor Vaughan Lowe
Submitted in 2010

Responsibility of the United Nations for Wrongful Security Council Non-forcible Measures
Antonios Tzanakopoulos, supervised by Professor Stefan Talmon
Submitted 2009

Export Promotion within the Context of WTO Law: Federal and State Policies in Brazil
Martin Johnson, Supervised by Professor Valpy FitzGerald and Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted 2009
China's Compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the WTO - Case Study on the Telecommunications Sector
Yuka Kobayashi, Supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted 2008
Regulation and Trade Liberalization in Banking Services: The Prospects and Limits of the GATS
Chantal Ononaiwu, Supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted 2008



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