PIL Discussion Group 2014 - 2015

Rule of Law at the International Level - Still Relevant? Ambassador Patricia O’Brien, Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United and other International Organizations at Geneva, former UN Legal Counsel and Under Secretary-General for Legal Affairs

Whose Convention is it Anyway? Addressing the fFacts and Myths around the Human Rights Act, Kirsty Brimelow QC, Doughty Street Chambers

A Sceptic's Guide to Legitimate Expectations in International Investment Law: Revisiting the Sources, Dr Martins Paparinskis, University College London

Independence Referendums and Putative Citizenship - the Scottish Referendum in a Global Perspective, Dr Reuvi Ziegler, University of Reading

'A Problem of Interpretation’: The ICJ’s Approach to the Constituent Instruments of International Organizations, Peter Quayle, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and University of Notre Dame, London Law Centre

The Work of FCO Legal Advisors, Chanaka Wickremasinghe, The Foreign and Commonwealth Officer

The UN's Obligation to Investigate Disappearances and Killings in Kosovo: the Work of the Kosovo Human Rights Advisory PanelProfessor Christine Chinkin, London School of Economics   

Guantanamo Bay: some Public International Law Issues Arising in the 9/11 Trials, Professor Andrew Clapham, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies,/ Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

Causation in the Law of State Responsibility, Dr Ilias Plakokefalos, University of Amsterdam

Protecting Schools in Conflict: Developing International Guidelines, Professor Stephen Haines, University of Greenwich 

The Law applied by International Administrative Tribunals: From Autonomy to Hierarchy?  Yaraslau Kryvoi, University of West London

Controlling Irregular Migration and the Law of International Responsibility: the Case of FRONTEX, Efthymios Papastavridis, University of Thrace, Faculty of Law and Research Fellow at the Academy of Athens

Reflections on Four Decades of International Action against Torture, Professor Sir Nigel Rodley, University of Essex

International Law and World War I, Professor Oliver Diggelmann, Professor of International Law and Co-Director of the Institute for Public International Law at the University of Zurich, Visiting Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law  

Pluralism and the ‘Turn to Responsibility’ in the Jus ad Bellum: ‘Unwilling or Unable’ in Context, Dr Kimberley Trapp, London School of Economics

The Crime of Aggression , (This seminar was a joint event with OTJR), Don Ferencz, Visiting Professor, Middlesex University and Convenor of the Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression  

Disputes with States: Policies, Politics and the Rule of Law, Jessica Gladstone, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

Complementarity in the Line of Fire: The Catalysing Effect of the International Criminal Court in Uganda and Sudan, Sarah Nouwen, University of Cambridge

The UN Human Rights Special Rapporteurs and the Impact of their Work: Some Reflections of the Longest Serving UN Special Rapporteur for Cambodia, Surya Subedi, Professor of International Law at the University of Leeds, UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Cambodia

The Politics of Justifying Force and the Chilcot Inquiry: Revealing the 'inner life' of International Law, Charlotte Peevers, University of Technology Sydney

Justice at the Ends of the Earth: What ‘Terrorists’ Think of International Law, Ben Saul, University of Sydney