Oxford Global Justice Internship Report - Shubhangi Bhadoda

Shubhangi Bhadada from India, who read for the Bachelor of Civil Law at the University of Oxford, was a pro-bono legal assistant in the Stand-by Defence Team for Karadzic at the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia from September 2013 to December 2013. Her work included analysing evidence to assist in the drafting of the final arguments, including preparation of witness summaries and analysis of evidence related to a witness; attending court and categorising the evidence of the witness in court; and legal research. This work has given her valuable practical experience to understand how international criminal law and international humanitarian law is applied in cases and to get a more comprehensive understanding of the law. She plans to return to India at the end of her internship and continue working in the field of international law, particularly international criminal law and international humanitarian law through assisting in policy making in these fields.