Oxford Global Justice Internship - Hasan Dindjer 2015

I was very fortunate to spend my summer at Reprieve’s London office. Reprieve is an NGO that uses the law to hold powerful governments to account for human rights abuses. I worked in the Abuses in Counter-Terrorism Team, whose work focuses on issues such as torture, secret prisons, and drone strikes.

My role was to support the team in its legal and non-legal advocacy. This partly involved researching points of law related to clients’ cases. These touched on questions of public international law (for example, in the law of targeting in armed conflict) as well as domestic public law. I also conducted broader background and policy research into issues on which Reprieve campaigned, such as the drone programme in Pakistan and Yemen.

My time at Reprieve was immensely valuable in showing me how strategic litigation works in practice, and in demonstrating how public international law can be brought to bear in proceedings before national courts. I am very thankful for the Oxford Global Justice Internship Programme’s generous support.