Preparing your Memorials

Once you have mastered the basics, you are ready to take the challenge with your first task as a mooter: preparing the memorials.

Scroll down to find an introductory guide, a video tutorial on how to draft legal arguments, the OSCOLA Rules (the method of legal citation adopted by the Price Moot) and two more videos to learn how to apply them correctly.

Introductory Guide to Writing Memorials:

An introductory written guide designed for students who are participating for the first time ever in a moot court competition.

Participant’s Moot Guide – Memorials


Drafting Legal Arguments:

A comprehensive video guide where Nick Friedman, Tutor in Law and Graduate Mooting Co-ordinator at the University of Oxford, gives some useful advice on how to draw up your legal arguments in your memorials, including using what he calls the “ILAC method, structuring your research, as well as solving practical problems you face in the course of your research.


Best Memorials:

In order to better equip you to prepare your written arguments, we have made available below a sample of memorials from the teams who won Best Memorial prizes in previous competitions.

NOTE: These memorials are NOT to be taken as models in terms of presentation and formatting, as they may have received penalties in this regard. The current Price Moot Rules are the only guide you should use for formatting your submissions.

Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent


Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent

Joint Best Memorial 1: Applicant and Respondent
Joint Best Memorial 2: Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent

Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent

Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent

Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent

Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent
Runner-up Best Memorial Applicant and Respondent


OSCOLA is the standard citation format required for all participant written memorials. Click here to get detailed information on how to use this format to ensure the minimum penalty deductions.

An Introduction to Using OSCOLA for Compressor:

The official rules of the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition mandate that each source or authority used in the written memorials must be supported by bibliographical information using Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (4th Edition). Non-observance of the OSCOLA rules results in the deduction of points for penalties as mentioned in the Official Rules for the Competition. This video, straight from one of the Editors of OSCOLA – Sandra Meredith, who is also a Departmental Lecturer in Legal Research Skills at the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford – introduces students to the basics of OSCOLA. Critical for any student participating or looking to participate in this competition, it is very useful for understanding some of the more complex parts of OSCOLA.

Books, Articles, and Other Secondary Sources:

To make it easy for students to understand and apply OSCOLA, this video by Sandra Meredith, Departmental Lecturer in Legal Research Skills at the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, and one of the Editors of OSCOLA, devotes separate attention to citation of books, articles and other secondary sources. The video also provides useful insight into citation of primary sources from jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom.

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