Postdoctoral Fellows

In addition to our established staff and students the Centre has a number of post-doctoral researchers who form an important part of our intellectual community. 


Postdoctoral fellowships allow those who have recently completed their doctorate time and space to publish from their thesis and carve out new directions for their research.  They are supported in this by established staff at the Centre who offer formal and informal mentoring.  Every postdoc is given office space at the Centre and is offered a one to one session with the Director once a term to talk through their career plans and how we can support them.  Our senior administrator also works with postdocs who want to work up new grant proposals and our established staff regularly read drafts with a view to sharpening up the proposal.  In the academic year 2019-2020 we also launched a new professional development programme for post-docs which has given us an opportunity to support them in getting published, making grant applications and applying for their first established posts. Postdocs are also given opportunities to present their work and participate in our socio-legal methodology classes.

Our postdoctoral fellows are funded through one of two routes.  The first is that they are appointed to research projects being run by a senior member of staff at the Centre.  When available, these posts are advertised on the Faculty of law website:  The second is that they apply for external funding to spend time with us.  External funding is commonly received from the Leverhulme Trust, the British Academy or the ESRC. If you are interested in working with staff at the Centre in pursuing an application to an external funding body then please do look at the internal Faculty deadlines for applications. We encourage applicants to approach us in advance of Faculty deadlines so that we can indicate whether we are interested in supporting their application.  If so, we can provide feedback which will help strengthen the application. Potential applicants are asked to carefully check their eligibility for the funder schemes they are applying for before getting in touch with us.

We welcome expressions of interest about particular funding schemes from anyone interested in applying for a postdoctoral funding scheme who is interested in being based at the Centre. If you would like to discuss applying for a particular funding scheme please get in touch the Director:  It is helpful to send a short CV (2 pages max) and a brief outline of your proposed research at this stage.

Further details of the work that is being undertaken by our postdocs can be found below:


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