Outside appointments and activities

Page added 6 October 2021

University academic and academic-related employees (with the exception of Associate Professors whose college is their main employer) are permitted to hold outside appointments and to undertake other outside activities, including consultancies, which require a commitment of time that otherwise might reasonably be expected to be devoted to University duties, subject to the approval of their direct line manager (where relevant) and their head of department, in our case the Dean of the Faculty.

Further detail about holding outside appointments is available on the HR pages of the University website, where you will also find the application form. 

The Council Regulation is available on the Governance and Planning section of the University website.  This page includes details of the types of activity covered and not covered by the Regulation. 

In the Law Faculty, approval is not required for teaching given to other departments within the University, but the Faculty does count this against your 30-day entitlement.

An annual reminder is sent out about this from the Faculty at the start of each academic year, but applications can be submitted at any time.  Please return your completed form to Michelle Robb, Executive Assistant to the Dean and Events Co-ordinator.

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