Middle East 2019 - 2020
Teams from the 8th Middle East Regional Rounds qualifying on the basis of Memorials are:
- Mansoura University - Egypt
- Cairo University - Egypt
- Allameh Tabataba'i - Iran
- Birzeit University - Palestine
- The British University in Egypt - Egypt
- Ain Shams Universtiy - Egypt
- Istanbul Şehir University - Turkey
- Phoenicia University - Lebanon
About the Middle East Round
The 2019 - 2020 Middle East Round of the Competition is run in partnership with Islamic University of Lebanon (IUL). The Islamic University of Lebanon (IUL) was established in 1996 to promote a high quality level of higher education in Lebanon. The IUL logo reflects its main values: Knowledge – Virtue – Homeland. The IUL sets goals as the training of the students to become a full-blown citizen simultaneously responsible and active within their community. The IUL defends humanist and tolerant values that characterize the Islamic religion. The IUL’s graduates have to serve the interests of the community as the economic and social progress and the welfare.
With this in mind, we push for the teaching quality, research excellence and innovative teaching methods according to the international standards and the current technological development. The IUL is accredited by HCÉRES (2019-2024).
For further information, Tel: +961 5 807 711-16 / www.iul.edu.lb
The 8th Annual Middle East Regional Rounds, will take place from 3 to 7 of February, 2020 in Beirut.
Middle East Rounds in Beirut Monday 3 – Friday 7 February 2020
Online Registration Opens: Mon 2 September 2019
Registration deadline: Thu 7 November 2019
Clarifications submitted by: Tue 15 October 2019
Memos submitted by: Fri 3 January 2020, 23:59 London time (WET, UTC + 1)
If you have any questions regarding the Rounds, please contact the Competition Coordinator Prof. Ahmed Khalifa at pricemootoxmid@outlook.com
Team Development Grant
Team Development Grants are available for teams from the Middle East. This fund is applicable to teams that have registered for the Middle East Regional Rounds for 2020.
The deadline for submission of all applications for team grants is Tuesday December 17, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. (CET). Applications should be sent to pricemootoxmid@outlook.com
Aplication can be found below
Registration is now closed
Please note that teams from the countries/regions listed below MUST apply to the appropriate regional rounds in order to qualify for the International Rounds in Oxford. If your country is not listed here, please get in touch with Price Moot Administration via pricemootoxford@law.ox.ac.uk in order to determine your region.
Middle East Rounds:
Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.