MICT Internship Report - Andrea Raab

My experience at the Mechanism was immensely enriching and permitted me to grow both professionally and personally, not least as a result of the wealth and variety of tasks I was allowed to undertake.
A large portion of my work was judicial, and I prepared numerous orders and decisions. In particular, I drafted orders assigning judges to distinct matters before the Mechanism and decisions adjudicating requests pertaining to enforcement matters, such as requests for early release.
Further to this, I undertook research on a wide variety of questions, including prisoners’ rights, international administrative law, and sexual and gender-based violence in conflict.
Most importantly, however, I was able to put my theoretical knowledge into practice, and observe how issues I had previously considered in an academic setting are resolved on a practical level. This, in turn, propelled my thinking and provided me with a new perspective, which will inform and shape my work in the future.
Overall, the internship has equipped me with a whole set of new skills and perspectives, enabling me to confidently dive into new endeavours.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Judge Meron and the University of Oxford for enabling me to undertake this internship, and to the entire team at the President’s Office for welcoming me with open arms, guiding me and supporting my learning.