Law Faculty Outreach Events

This page is dedicated to Outreach events organised by the Law Faculty. 


University Open Days - June and September 

This year the University will hold open days in June and September, dates will go live here. You can also sign-up for open day updates here.

Outreach Summer School Programmes

The Law Faculty also engages in the following initiatives to further support our recruitment aims: Target Oxbridge, Pathways Programme, UNIQ and Freshfields ExpLaw Summer School. You can find more information on our Access & Outreach page or the Summer Schools and programme page.

If you are not eligible for one of our Access programmes, but want to find out more about law in the UK, see our summer programme, the Oxford Introduction to Law in the UK.


The deadline to sit the LNAT is 15th October each year, unless this date falls on a Sunday. Please refer to the LNAT website for up to date deadlines.

This is a hard deadline, supported by the Universities admissions test policy. You are advised to register and book a test date as soon as possible, you can book a test from 1st August, tests commence 1st September. Test locations fill up quickly, if you fail to organise your test before 15th September you are unlikely to secure a test before the deadline.

Video Library

Below you will find a list of resources that will enhance the virtual taster day event which is sponsored by Clifford Chance.

Clifford Chance - Sponsors of the Faculty's Taster Day event

Every year we open the faculty of law to prospective students to take part in law lectures, seminars, tour and have lunch in a college. We have limited capacity (240 per day) and therefore require schools to nominate 2 students who they feel would benefit from this event. This could be those showing potential but who lack the confidence to apply to Oxford, or those that are on track to achieve our entry requirements and have shown an interest in law.

We offer small travel bursaries for those that have Free School Meals / have spent time in  Care / student at a state maintained school or college and in receipt of government funded and income assessed financial support from their college or sixth form such as a 16-19 bursary.

Schools who took part last year will receive a link to nominate in January. If your school didn't take part last year, you can contact and we can provide the link to teachers.

We will also have 1 afternoon online only, this is open to all and everyone, the sign-up link will go live on this website in early January.


Clifford Chance offers you the opportunity to join a global law firm with one of the most pre-eminent legal practices in the world. They have introduced Global Virtual Internships, these are designed to give any student anywhere some first hand experience of the tasks they might come across as a trainee lawyer. These are quite brilliant in that they are open to anyone anywhere at anytime and is basically a virtual internship opportunity that students can do again and again – they are not assessed. They can be accessed from here:

Clifford Chance have just launched a new programme "Ready, Set, Law", a virtual work experience programme aimed at 16-18 yr olds but open to all. This programme will introduce topical legal issues through hands-on experience, watch the video below and more information can be found here:

If you have any questions about the recruitment / training schemes at Clifford Chance you can contact them directly here:

Clifford Chance Video Library


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