Equity: 150 Years After the Judicature Reforms - Programme

Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd April 2022

Conference participants may also be interested in attending the inaugural lecture of Professor Ben McFarlane – “The Persistence of Equity: Lessons from the Trust” – which will be held in the Gulbenkian Lecture Theatre, Faculty of Law (and online) at 5pm on 31st March 2022. 

Friday 1st April: Garden Auditorium, St John’s College, Oxford 

8.30am            Registration and tea and coffee in the Garden Foyer

9 am:               Welcome and Introduction

Session 1:       Chair: Ben McFarlane (University of Oxford)

9.10am:           Justice Edelman (High Court of Australia)

– “Equitable Damages: The Endgame”

9.50am:           Simone Degeling (University of New South Wales)

                        – "Certainty of Loss of Chance in Equity"

10.20am:         Matthew Conaglen (University of Sydney)

                        – “Judicature and Accounts” 

10.50am:          Tea and Coffee

Session 2:       Chair: Andrew McLeod (One Essex Court) 

11.15am:         Hanoch Dagan (Tel-Aviv University) and Irit Samet (King’s College London)

                        – “The Beneficiary's Ownership Rights in the Trust Res in a Liberal Property Regime”

11.45am:         Simon Douglas (University of Oxford)

                        – "Wasting Away: Devastavit and the Judicature Acts" 

12.15pm:         David Fox (University of Edinburgh)

– "Trusts in a 'monist' Judicature system"

12.45pm:         Lunch

Session 3:        Chair: Dame Sarah Worthington QC (Hon) (University of Cambridge)

1.50pm:           Paul Davies (University College London)

                        – “The Power to Grant Injunctions”

2.20pm:           John McGhee QC (Wilberforce Chambers)

                        – "When are negotiating damages available?"

2.50pm:            Tea and Coffee

Session 4:        Chair: Birke Haecker (University of Oxford)

3.10pm:          Alexandra Popovici (Université de Sherbrooke) and Lionel Smith (McGill University) 

                        – “equity is a Single Thing"

3.40pm:           Henry Smith (Harvard University)

– The problems arising from assuming Equity must operate in a similar way to the common law

4.10pm:           Tea, Coffee and Cake

4.30pm:           Break 

Session 5:         Chair: Steven Elliott QC

5.15pm:            Justice Newbury (Court of Appeal of British Columbia)

– “Dishonesty and Unconscionability in Contractual Performance: A Role for Equity?”

5.55pm:            Lord Briggs (Supreme Court, UK)

                       – “Loose Ends in Accounting for Profits"                

6.35pm:           Pre-Dinner Drinks

7.05pm:           Conference Dinner (Hall of St John’s College)


Saturday 2nd April: Garden Auditorium, St John’s College, Oxford

8.45am           Tea and coffee in the Garden Foyer

Session 6:        Chair: Charles Mitchell QC (Hon) (University College London)

9.15am:           Jessica Hudson (University of New South Wales)

– “Equity’s Gloss on Authority"

9.45am:         Steven Elliott QC (One Essex Court) 

    – “The Basic Structure of Rescission" 

10.15am:         Yip Man (Singapore Management University)

                        – “Equity in Commerce: Too Much and Too Little?”

10.45am:         Tea and Coffee

Session 7:        Chair: Lord Sales (Supreme Court, UK)

11.15am:         Chee Ho Tham (Singapore Management University)           

– "Section 25(6) of the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873 and its Use of Procedural Means to Achieve Substantive Results" 

11.45am:         Aruna Nair (University of Oxford)

– “Equity and the Land Registration Act 2002: Form, Conscience, and the Judiciary”

12.15pm:         Magda Raczynska (University College London)

– What role, if any, should equitable interests play in a codified system of security rights?

12.45pm:         Lunch

Session 8:        Chair: Lord Burrows (Supreme Court, UK)

2pm:                Janet O’Sullivan (University of Cambridge)

– “Specific Performance and the Reflective Loss Rule”

2.30pm:           William Swadling (University of Oxford)

                        – “The Mischief of Maxims”

3pm:                John Mee (University College Cork)

            – The concept and role of unconscionability in modern Equity

3.30pm:            Closing tea, coffee and cake

4pm:                 Conference ends

Note this is a provisional programme and subject to change. Whilst we will have the assistance of a specialist remote events provider, no responsibility is taken for any technical difficulties beyond our reasonable control which may affect remote participation.

Conference organisers: Ben McFarlane and Steven Elliott QC