Distributing copyright material
Updated 23 January 2024
Staff and students must NEVER upload any copyright material direct to the Law Faculty Canvas site (please only ever provide hyperlinks), nor distribute such material by any other means such as email, SharePoint or OneDrive. This is essential to ensure that the whole Faculty, especially its VLE, is compliant with the Copyright Licensing Authority’s reporting requirements.
Thanks to the Bodleian Law Library’s scanning service Law Bod 4 Students (LB4S), you do not need to check, source, scan or register copyright materials that you wish to distribute electronically to students.
LB4S is a separate Canvas site that holds the scans for your course. On your subject Canvas site you will see a link to LB4S. Your scanned copyrighted material will have been uploaded by the Library staff, with the appropriate CLA coversheet, onto your module on the LB4S Canvas site.
The Library will register the scans with the CLA on your behalf and can also provide advice on whether a specific item is covered by the Copyright Licensing Authority licence.
If you cannot currently access LB4S, or you wish to have a scan uploaded for your course, please email: law.ref@bodleian.ox.ac.uk
When there is a published ORLO reading list for the course, then any eligible scans will be made by the Library via the digitisation service for ORLO and will appear as a ‘View Online’ link on the ORLO list. Please contact orlolaw@bodleian.ox.ac.uk if you would like a digitisation of a chapter/article on your ORLO reading list.
This does not affect your own slides, reading lists or handouts, which should continue to be put onto your Canvas site as usual.
Please feel free to address enquiries to charlotte.vinnicombe@law.ox.ac.uk.