Access to civil and administrative justice
This cluster focuses on the socio-legal dynamics of disputes in the civil justice and tribunal sector and the role that the state and private organisations plays in their resolution.
More specifically researchers in this cluster are interested in how people become aware of the law and how they experience legal process across jurisdictions. The work we do focuses on lawyers and other advice givers, constitutional and appellate courts, tribunals, ombuds services, complaints procedure, administrative decision making and no-fault compensation schemes.

Researchers in this cluster share an interest in the use of a variety of dispute resolution methods such as adjudication, mediation, and negotiation as well as the settings in which dispute resolution takes place. Drawing on a range of disciplinary perspectives members of this group also research share an interest in the links between individual redress and the collective need for change in response to legal claims, complaints and other expressions of grievances. This interest in systemic change means that the projects of some members in this cluster overlaps with the regulation cluster. The access to civil and administrative justice cluster is currently in receipt of funding from the National Institute for Health and Care Research, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Economic and Social Research Council and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations. It is led by Linda Mulcahy.