Asia-Pacific 2020 - 2021

The 8th Annual Asia-Pacific Regional Rounds, hosted in partnership with Law School, Renmin University of China was held online from 23 to 25 December, 2020.


Winner -  Singapore Management University  
Runner up - University of the Philippines Diliman
Best Oralist in Finals - Angela Casauay, University of the Philippines Diliman
Best Memorial – Singapore Management University  
Runner up Memorial - University of the Philippines Diliman
Best Oralist - Hui Chen, China University of Political Science and Law  
Runner up Oralist - Aloysius Francis M. Bresnan, University of the Philippines Diliman
The teams qualifying to the International Rounds in Oxford are:
  • National University of Singapore
  • Singapore Management University  
  • University of the Philippines Diliman
  • University of International Business and Economics


Asia-Pacific Rounds 23 – 25  December 2020

Online Registration Opens:  22 September 2020

Clarifications submitted by: 14 October 2020

Registration deadline:  16 November 2020

Memos submitted by: 25 November 2020, 23:59 Beijing time (CST, UTC+08:00)

Qualification on basis of memorials confirmed by*: 16 December 2020

Registration fee by: 23 December 2020 (If you wish to pay registration fee, please visit our online shop here)

*In case there is a large number of teams that register for Asia-Pacific Rounds, teams will qualify for the online oral rounds on the basis of their written memorials. 

If you have any questions regarding the Rounds, please contact the Asia-Pacific Competition Coordinator at

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