Good Practice Guidelines to Diversifying the Curriculum

The Faculty is thrilled to start the New Year by endorsing the Good Practice Guidelines to Diversifying the Curriculum.

The Guidelines are based on a collective exercise in ‘Curriculum Health Check’ that draws on UCL’s Inclusive Curriculum Health Checklist 2018, and which the Faculty agreed to undertake following a workshop and a Faculty seminar in 2019, on Diversifying the Curriculum.

The focus of the Guidelines is on diversity of sources, which includes diversity of both authors’ origins and the range of perspectives represented in materials. Although it is intended to improve inclusivity primarily with respect to ethnicity, gender, sexuality and disability, it can readily be extended to other protected-interest groups.

What the Guidelines underline is that an inclusive curriculum is both pedagogically necessary and academically rigorous. Diversifying the curriculum, and reflecting on how we teach, and what we teach, is not a one-off event, but a continuous exercise and collective effort to which the Faculty is fully committed.

Download the Guidelines