The Bonavero Institute publishes new report NO. 1/2023: The Making of Bills of Rights: Relevant International Human Rights Law Obligations

The Bonavero Report 1/2023 titled The Making of Bills of Rights: Relevant International Human Rights Law Obligations was authored by Murray Hunt (Director, Bingham Centre), Prof. Alan Miller (University of Strathclyde), Kate O'Regan (Director, Bonavero Institute), and Emma Rowland (MPhil candidate, University of Oxford). It was edited by Zaki Rehman (Research Assistant, Bonavero Institute).

Significant reform of human rights law is underway across the UK. But there also exist important international human rights standards that need to be considered, particularly those arising from the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the UN Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.

The UK has ratified both these covenants, as have more than 160 other countries across the world. The report therefore examines five international human rights law obligations that are relevant both to making and amending domestic bills of rights, and that pertain to the reform of human rights law currently taking place across the UK. 


Cover Page for Bill of Rights Bonavero Report